Schaumburg Commercial Locksmith
Traffic to a business is certainly a good thing, but with that increased customer flow, there is added stress on your door lock and handle. A call to the locksmith in Schaumburg can set you up with a regular maintenance schedule to inspect all aspects of your commercial business including re-keying, lock change out and routine greasing and repairs. All it takes is one call to the number one locksmith in Schaumburg for sound peace of mind that your commercial property is secure both day and night.
Make the call to maintain the integrity of your shop (847) 242-8003
Schaumburg Locksmith can do a full once over on your business and immediately point out areas of weakness that a criminal might access. Once you’ve identified a threat, the next step is to eliminate it and the locksmiths in Schaumburg employ a number of different strategies to conquer this:
- Install video cameras and recording devices to deter and detect shady activity
- Equip the business with numeric keypads or access controls with pin numbers for back rooms and doors besides the main entry.
- Biometric locking and unlocking, attainable only from the owner or supervisor’s fingerprint.
You’ve worked hard to build your business, all of which could be taken down in just a few rogue nighttime hours. Investing in security upgrades from the Schaumburg, IL locksmiths will give your company value down the road. Also, you might even see insurance premiums lowered once your security is up-to-date.
Make the call today (847) 242-8003
Even if you don’t do a full system upgrade at this time, even the littlest adjustments can improve ground security. Simple items like a deadbolt lock or high-security locksets are easy to install and visually deter criminals as well as physically reject them. Schaumburg Locksmith will work with you to integrate a high-profile security system, even if it’s only one lock at a time.